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12 reviews
687 k downloads

Get out and run, ride your bike, train your body

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Andrés López icon
Reviewed by
Andrés López
Content Editor

Strava is an app designed for athletes that lets its users keep a record of all of their outdoor fitness activities, whether it’s running or riding a bike.

Strava's main objective is to keep a detailed record of all of your fitness activities. It saves all the data from your outings, such as: distance covered, time elapsed, average pace, and calories burned. All this data is saved in your personal history, which you can then share with other app users.

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This social factor is precisely one of the most interesting things about Strava. The app has a large community with whom you can go beyond simply sharing your routes to actually engage in some healthy competition. Every so often Strava will have an event in your area and you can compete with other app users to be the king of that competition.

Apart from this social element, which adds a certain element of motivation, Strava also incorporates achievements, giving an additional incentive to those who enjoy showing off their trophies to the other users.

Strava is a great fitness app for users who usually go out running or biking, as it not only lets you keep a complete record of your activities, but also lets you share it with all the other users.

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Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 8.0 or higher required

Frequent questions

Where can I download the Strava APK?

You can download the Strava APK from Uptodown. Here you can find both the latest update and previous versions of the tool, virus-free.

Is Strava free?

Yes, Strava is free. However, to use the tool fully, you'll need to purchase a premium plan to unlock more interesting features.

How can I create segments in Strava?

Creating segments in Strava is easy. Simply place the green and red markers on each map to define the starting point and the end of each route.

How do I view the calories in Strava?

Viewing the calories in Strava is simple. You just have to tap on Show more in each workout's information section.

Information about Strava 375.10

Package Name com.strava
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Fitness
Language English
Author Strava
Downloads 687,003
Date Sep 6, 2024
Content Rating +12
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

xapk 375.10 Android + 8.0 Sep 6, 2024
xapk 374.11 Android + 8.0 Aug 28, 2024
apk 365.10 Android + 8.0 Jun 26, 2024
apk 364.10 Android + 8.0 Jun 23, 2024
apk 364.9 Android + 8.0 Jun 19, 2024
apk 362.15 Android + 8.0 Jun 7, 2024

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12 reviews


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betofrvnil icon
in 2021

This strava application requires Google Maps, which does not have only one solution: launch the Android virtual machine and install the Google play Store version zhwbwz5)

bigvioletacacia63805 icon
in 2019

I have honor 8 phone and when I try to download or install the strava the system shows the error"your phone is not compatible for this app" Please advise what I have to do now

diegoo420 icon
in 2019

athletes, recomendvo app.

johanna27 icon
in 2016

Hello, very good app, I recommend it

minime icon
in 2015

I have tried everything and this is the one that allows you to add data from other services more comfortably. You have a subscription option but the basic functions are not enough. For me the best and...See more

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